What are tenders?
We provide information on public construction competitions: tenders and awards published in the main official bulletins and public procurement portals. From construction works, projects, services and supplies to maintenance. You can participate directly in the open calls or sell your products or services to the awarded companies.
Tenders sheets
It is the report that reflects each public tender data. Types of works, budget, deadline for tender submission, details of the successful tenderer, full text of the bulletin, link to access the tender documents or url of the contracting authority…

After almost 20 years of experience in the search for construction tenders in the Spanish market, in 2011 we decided to bet on the international market, obtaining a strong growth in Europe and Latin America.
More than 25.000 tenders and contracts awarded per year from the State Contracting Platform, DOUE, BOE, BOA, BOP and the main Contractor Profiles.
Official Journal of the European Union (DOUE) tender browser, direct access to TED website (Tenders Electronic Daily). 170,000 opportunities every year.
We are incorporating new international tenders, from Latin America, multilateral development agencies…You can contact the successful bidders.